Activation Criteria
Hey guys ! Just wanted to let you know that I need to run some maintenance on the website because of the recent domain name changes from netlify. So, some pages will appear like this for a few days... but guess what's coming new to the pages ? A Dark theme switch !!!
In this section, I am going to discuss about the context on which each command is activated when you run your context key. Getting the predictable obvious lines of code filled up for you helps with flow and concentration.
Moreover, by getting acquainted to these contexts will make sure you have less errors and better efficiency.
That said, it is very important what a line of code does and what will happen if you omit important lines of code. These are discoveries you have to make naturally when covering uncharted territories.
...but for now, lets be the swiftest hands in town and understand our tools.
Following are short notes for each module specifying compatible locations from which commands get activated.
This runs the Daedalus : Include Header
command. Activation checks the current line for
It then adds headers before .generated.h for header and after filename.h for source. Duplicated are matched literally.
It also checks for duplicates in the same file. It does not check for duplicates in both .h/.cpp files. For more info on why you declaring on .cpp is more efficient, read forward declaration.
#include "GameFramework/Controller.h" // YES
#include "Kismet/KismetMathLibrary.h" // YES
#include "GameFramework/SpringArmComponent.h" // YES
// NO
# include "RandomStuff.h" // YES, but might get confused about the order
When called normally : Will check the current file line-line and detect locations automatically. Then it will open up the menu.
This gets called as a part of the pattern matching list that occurs when UE4 : Initialize by Context is called. This takes into account { const, INLINE, override}
virtual void Tick(float delta) override; // YES
virtual void BeginPlay() override // NO (No semi-colon)
TMap<int, FyComplexClas> MyComplexFunc(int mine = 19, TArray<int, FString>) const; // YES
AMyActorConstructor(); // NO (Constructors are excluded... for now)
When called normally : Cannot be called normally
This detects commonly used components declarations in header and generates initializers for them. The code might be opinionated, but I have tried to fill the tables using my limited experience. Please let me know if improvements can be made
Note: Currently initialization code is generated for constructor (CreateDefaultSubObject). This will change soon and NewObject will also be supported.
When called normally : Cannot be called normally.
Context keywords can be found sprinkled throughout the snippet library. Since snippets cannot be easily modified at runtime(unaware of local symbols), hint text is provided for you to take action and fill the gaps. This is optional so you don't end up with tons of redundant debug/scaffold code.
The context for this is simple. The current line must be UXYZComponent* MyCompName. This means, you should make your derived component follow same patterns to get registered.
UPROPERTY() // Not needed
class UCameraComponent *FollowCamera; // YES
// generates
FollowCamera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>("MyCamera");
FollowCamera->AttachToComponent(RootComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);
class UMyCustomComp *CustomComp; // NO. Should be a Component
Note : This copies the code to the clipboard. Since multi-window workspaces are normal in VSCode, you can paste and continue.
Also, complete symbol parsing can be done to automatically detect the components irrespective of names. However, unfortunately, that is currently out of my expertise and not a worthwhile time investment for me since this is very efficient.
When called normally : Cannot be called normally.
I took inspiration from concept of transpilers. Especially the ecosystem that typescript built on top of javascript with full backward support.
With this module, I want users to be able to project their ideas directly into code without having to lookup code every now and then.
My current goals are to expand the library to cover more classes first. If you have any ideas about awesome features you would like to be added to this module, please join my discord and let me know.
See you later... 🖐
When you press the context key, a series of tricky regex matches are carried out, which parse symbols if successful. Based on the results an action is selected. By default the following self-explanatory actions are provided
For anything else, custom individual commands get called. The tab insertion/calculation is auto handled. The line insertion is also auto handled. You just need to map the parsed symbols to slots in the strings.
An simple entry for component handling (default copy action)
"id": "init_components",
"desc": "Initialization Scene/Sphere/StaticMesh etc",
"pattern": ".*?U([a-zA-Z_]*)?Component[\\*| ]{2}([a-zA-Z_]*);",
"parsemap": [1, 2],
"body": [
"$2 = CreateDefaultSubobject<U$1Component>(\"My$1\");",
"$2->AttachToComponent(RootComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);"
"action": "copy"
An example entry for function generation (uniquely handled to remove some symbols and remove defaults)
"id": "functionbodygen",
"desc": "Generates function body for a target line.",
"pattern": "(FORCEINLINE )?(virtual )?([a-z_A-Z<>,]*) ?([a-zA-Z_, <>(=0-9\" ]*\\))( const)?( override)?;",
"parsemap": [
"body": [
"$1$2 $x::$3$4 {",
"\t// Function not implemented",
"action": "fnbodygen"
If this interests you, you can use the API to add your own contextual code-completion. Coming Soon
...Please consider sending back some of those definitions you make. It helps everybody.
See you later... 🖐
I upload weekly and revamp bi-monthly. You can support my work at Patreon | Paypal | Marketplace | Gumroad