
uprop snippets


Hey guys ! Just wanted to let you know that I need to run some maintenance on the website because of the recent domain name changes from netlify. So, some pages will appear like this for a few days... but guess what's coming new to the pages ? A Dark theme switch !!!

Snippets in this namespace are used to reduce macro usage in header for UPROPERTY() declarations. Variations are available for maps and arrays as well.

They also have ufunc for other data structures.

There degree of freedom exposed to designer in editor can be switched like this using the context key like this.

flipping uproperty

Complete list of snippet codes can be found here.

The context keys will cycle through the following sets of macros in a cycle...

ClassifierMacrosEditor behavior
baseVisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite ,EditAnywhereVisible and Editable
readonlyBlueprintReadWrite, VisibleAnywhereReadonly in editor. Blueprints can still access
advanced tabVisibleAnywhere, AdvancedDisplay, BlueprintReadWriteReadonly in dropdown
blanknonePure C++ with basic engine exposure

You can even remove all macros unless you are heap allocating.

Heads up about scope warnings

BlueprintReadWrite may only be assigned to props in public field.

Every uprop_xyz snippet will first ask you for singleton/array/map since v0.6.12. (upropxyz_adv and uprop_xyz_arr were removed in favor of these)*.


ufunc will ask for blueprint behavior and provide you with most used return types

snippet choice

snippet choice

Contextual activation

The list of context key rules for this namespace are as follows:

1. Component declarations copy their constructor

// Description not provided --> uprop_sphere
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Parameters")
	USphereComponent* $1;
// --- generates ---
	$1 = CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>("$1");
	$1->AttachToComponent(RootComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);

2. boolean switches copy the code.

// Toggle back to false(when user presses) in OnConstruction to use as a switch
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Triggers")
	bool ExampleSwitch = false; // context
// --- generates ---

// Function(called on demand) will be bypassed while packaging
if (ExampleSwitch == true) {
	// Insert a function here;
	ExampleSwitch = false;

3. Body can be generated and auto-added to .cpp for ANY function.

void TypeWriter(UTextBlock *target, FString _In);
// --- generates ---
void UJimmyWidget::TypeWriter(UTextBlock *target, FString _In) {
	// Function not implemented

Thats most of it. Keep an eye on updates in changelog.

See you later... 🖐

Few Samples

Basic props

// ${2:Description not provided} --> uprop_mesh
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Parameters")
	UStaticMesh *$1;


// Description not provided --> uprop_sphere
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Parameters")
	USphereComponent* $1;


// ${2:Description not provided} --> uprop_ismc_map
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Parameters")
	TMap<int, UInstancedStaticMeshComponent*> $1;

Boolean switches : A boolean parameter defaulting to false, intended to be used like a button by designer. See XYZ for implementation of the trick.

// ${2:Toggle back to false(when user presses) in OnConstruction to use as a trigger} --> uprop_switch
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Triggers")
	bool $1 = false; // context

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